

High Concept: Overview and vision statement

Tech Trek is a 4-player card game designed to make available to middle school students information about technology related careers. Our game is suitable for classrooms, is easy to put together and to play, and is a free engaging activity designed specifically for learning.


Need for the game

According to the U.S. Department of Education (2015), students usually fail to see Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) subjects as starting opportunities for their careers. Tech Trek is an important resource for teachers to try to alleviate this problem.


Serious Goals

Excite middle school students (especially girls) about pursuing technology related careers, so that they carry this excitement throughout their education and hopefully pursue STEM careers in the future.

Moreover, we hope that our card game will:

  1. Show that different majors help prepare students for specific STEM careers.
  2. Expose students to appealing role models in STEM careers.
  3. Show how different STEM careers help change the world.


Target Audience

The target audience for our card game is middle school students aged 11-13 years old taking technology classes. However, we foresee that Teck Trek will be an engaging activity for all children aged 10+.


Succinct Gameplay Summary

In order to win in Tech Trek a player need to pursue a technology related career by collecting four different skill cards of that career, one power-up card of that career, and the career card itself.

Example of a winning hand:


Below you can see a succinct explanation of Tech Trek gameplay. You can find more information about how to play the game in the page “Play the Game“.

